Egyptian Democratic Unity Party’s Platform
Egyptian Democratic Unity Party personifying the ideals, hopes, aspirations and
proposals for action of the Party and its candidates.
Egyptian Democratic Unity Party is built on Egyptian and Arab Nationalism, Religious
Freedom, multiparty system, and representation of all religious and political
ideology in government.
It is to this end and for this
purpose that this Ideology of Egyptian Democratic Unity Party is designed. Herein
will be set forth the policies, attitude, proposals and position of this Party
and its candidates, with matters of deepest concern to the average Egyptian,
his home, his family, his property, his employment, his right to safety and
security in the pursuit of the activities of his daily life, his right to
freedom from interference and harassment from and by the government at all
levels and, lastly, his pride in himself and this nation and all that it has
stood for.
This document treats both foreign
and domestic policy and is basically designed to present the proposals and
action programs of this Party and its candidates in the area of:
Peace abroad and domestic
tranquility at home.
An enlightened and advancing
educational program.
Job training and opportunity for all
Egyptians willing and able to seek and bold gainful employment.
An alliance and partnership with the
private sector of our economy seeking an end to poverty among our people.
Efficiency and prudence in
governmental spending leading to a helpful and stable economy.
With these cardinal principles in
mind, we herein set forth the precepts of our Party and Candidates in the
following areas of concern:
Our Ideology for Domestic Affairs as
We support a secular Government
All religious mainly Coptic, Sunni
and Shia will be appointed to top posts in Executive and Judicial Branch of
Government. In the Parliament, The Government shall appoint 10 Shia and 10 Copts.
Form a National Interfaith
Commission, to provide a platform of understanding, respect and stability in
Egypt and the Arab world.
We affirm every citizen’s right to
apply religious values to public policy and the right of faith-based
organizations to participate fully in public programs without renouncing their
beliefs, removing religious objects or symbols, or becoming subject to
government imposed hiring practices.
Respectful of our nation’s diversity
in faith, we urge reasonable accommodation of religious beliefs in the private
workplace. We deplore the increasing incidence of attacks against religious
symbols, as well as incidents of anti-Semitism on churches.
We support the right of Christians and
Muslims to engage in student-initiated, student-led prayer in public schools, and
Forcing religious groups to abandon
their beliefs as applied to their hiring practices is religious discrimination.
It will be prosecuted, If it is a Commercial or any organization the license
will be revoked. This will result in a Criminal manner.
The war we wage against terrorists
is not a battle of faiths. We recognize that acts of violence against innocents
violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. We know that in this
struggle against terrorism free nations have strong allies, of every faith,
including millions of people in the Middle East who want to live in freedom.
Our Constitution guarantees the free
exercise of religion and forbids any religious test for public office, and it
likewise prohibits the establishment of a state-sponsored creed, and accurately reflects the Islamic-Christian heritage of
our country.
Our Party supports a close
Identification with Christians and Muslims Religious values.
Our party opposes the Government to
seizure of any religious property.
Our forebears, in building our
government, wisely provided and established, in the Constitution of Egypt, that
the National Government should consist of three branches, the Legislative,
represented by the Parliament, whose duty and responsibility it is to enact the
laws; the Executive, represented by the President, whose duty it is to enforce
the laws enacted by the Parliament; and, the judicial, whose duty and
responsibility it is to interpret and construe those laws, not to enact them.
Coptic, Sunni and Shia shall be
appointed as judges Judicial Branch of Supreme
The Constitution of Egypt provides
that the judicial power of Egypt shall be vested in a Supreme Court and in such
inferior courts as the Parliament shall from time to time ordain and establish;
and, further, that the judges of the judicial courts shall hold their offices
for four years.
It shall be our policy and our
purpose, at the earliest possible time, to propose and advocate and urge the
adoption of an amendment to the Egypt Constitution whereby members of the national
judiciary at District level be required to face reviews of their judgments by
the Executive branch.
We hold that the ownership of
private property is the right and privilege of every Egyptian citizen. We feel
that private property rights and human rights are inseparable and indivisible.
Only in those nations that guarantee the right of ownership of private property
as basic and sacred under their law is there any recognition of human rights.
We feel that the matter of our
citizens in need and the existence of job opportunities are so closely related
as to warrant concurrent consideration.
We are convinced that the average Egyptian
believes in the inherent dignity of gainful employment, preferring this method
of attaining a livelihood to any welfare grant or benefit not earned through
his own efforts. For this reason we consider the solution to the problem of our
needy citizens, capable of gainful employment to be the provision of job
opportunity. This will be the goal of our Party and our administration.
Our first consideration will be the
inclusion of private industry in this program and effort. We believe that the
private sector of our economy has the will and capability of providing a
solution to the problem of poverty much more promptly and efficiently than any
or all governmental programs. Based on this premise, we will work in
partnership with private industry in a program mutually beneficial to each to provide
these job opportunities. We propose to make this program economically
attractive to industry and other means of economic benefit, believing fully
that the answer to this problem lies in the vigor and capability of our
tremendous free enterprise system.
We would propose that the national
government aid and assist in a well-designed program of job training or
retraining for those in need thereof. This will be at the vocational school and
lower level, depending on the needs of the trainees. We will encourage and
assist the states in programs of job training or retraining through realistic
productive efforts in this respect, including assistance to the establishment
and maintenance of vocational trade schools and other like institutions
designed to provide skilled and semiskilled personnel for industrial
employment, as well as means whereby 'in-training" programs can be carried
out by private industry in cooperation with government.
In the event a public works program
becomes necessary to provide employment for all employable Egyptians, we will
provide such a program assuring, however, that these programs be needful and
productive and that the participants engage in labor beneficial to the nation
and its economy rather than becoming wards of the government and the recipients
of gratuitous handouts.
For those unemployable by reason of
age, religion, infirmity, and disability or otherwise, provision will be made
for their adequate care through programs of social services based on the requirements
and needs of these persons. We hold that all Egyptians are deserving of and
will have the care, compassion and benefits of the fullness of life.
It is the obligation of a
responsible government to help people who are unable to help themselves. There
should be adequate medical assistance available to the aged and those unable to
afford treatment. This can best be achieved through national government. It
should be strengthened in conjunction with medical care provided to state and
local governmental levels.
Building National Hospitals in all provinces.
Free to all Egyptians with low income
Employ locals to each Hospital
Amend policy to all invests and
business to provide Health insurance to their employees
The national economy must be
restored to and maintained in a healthy, viable posture under conditions
assuring to each individual, the opportunity to participate in and enjoy the
benefits arising from a real prosperity This nation achieved its economic
greatness under a system of free enterprise, coupled with human effort and
ingenuity, and thus it must remain. This will be the attitude and objective of
this Party.
Promote Tourism
Promote foreign investment to every province
in Egypt
Promote free Trade with Arab
Nations, China, Europe and The United States
We will support and assist business
and industry in those areas needful and desirable, such as in the area of small
We will enforce those laws designed
to protect the consumer and wage earner, but will eliminate those programs and
agencies serving only to harass and intimidate our business community.
To achieve these goals and
objectives, we would use government for the strengthening of the free
enterprise system rather than the replacement of the free enterprise system by
government. We believe that strength and confidence in the Egyptian political
and economic system will tend to encourage domestic and foreign private
investment and prosperity in our economy.
We would propose that effective use
be made during our administration of economic advisors dedicated to the
preservation and strengthening of our economic freedoms in the areas of
enterprise, labor and marketing.
Our administration will be dedicated
to the maintenance of prosperity and price stability in our economy. We will
institute a strong anti-inflationary fiscal, monetary and debt management
policy in our nation as the first requirement to solving international
We feel little is done to curb
inflationary trends in the nation's economy.
Egypt achieved its greatness through
the combined energy and efforts of the working men and women of this country.
Retention of its greatness rests in their hands.
Through the means of their great
trade, these men and women have exerted tremendous influence on the economic
and social life of the nation.
The concern of this Party is that
the gains which labor struggled so long to obtain not be lost to them either
through inaction or subservience to illogical domestic policies of our other
national parties.
We propose and pledge:
To assert leadership at the national
level toward assuring labor its rightful reward for its contribution to the
productivity of Egypt;
To propose and support programs
designed to improve living and employment conditions of our working men and
To Form a National Labor Unions, to
protect and lobby for labors for increase of pay and equality.
To provide for and protect the
working men and women in the exercise of democratic processes and principles in
the conduct of the affairs of their organizations, free from threats, coercion,
or reprisals from within or without such organization;
To support programs and legislation
designed to afford an equitable minimum wage, desirable working hours and
conditions of employment, and protection in the event of adversity or
To add efficiency and dispatch to
the actions and activities of the National Labor Relations Board, resulting in
more prompt decisions by this agency;
To pledge and assure that labor will
be adequately represented in all deliberations of this Party and its
administration of the affairs of government;
The Ideology of our foreign affairs
is to promote;
Arab Nationalism
United Christians and Muslims Arab
world with lack of violence and discrimination.
A pro-western policy
pro-Arab Unity
Free trade with all Arab Nations
Advocate national and defense security
with Arab States
Maintain and honor peace with Israel
Protecting the Palestine human
rights and cause
Ant-terrorist groups, wage war on Al
This Platform represents the
attitude, policy, position, judgment and determination of this Party with
respect to the major problems confronting Egypt.
We believe that our analysis of the
nature of these problems is in keeping with the feelings of the great majority
of our people. We further feel that our approach to solution of these matters
is sound, logical, practical and attainable and in keeping with the basic,
inherent good judgment of the Egyptian people.
Among other proposals:
We offer opportunity for early peace
to a nation at war.
We offer order and domestic
tranquility to a nation sorely beset by disorder.
We offer a program of job
opportunity for the jobless.
We offer a return to respect for the
law and an opportunity for every citizen to pursue his daily activities in
safety and security.
We offer to relieve our citizens,
their businesses and institutions, from harassment and intimidation by agents
of the national bureaucracy.
We offer the laboring man and woman
an opportunity to provide for himself and his family a better and fuller life
and a greater democratic freedom in the management of the affairs, free from
intrusion by the national government.
We offer to restore the dignity,
strength and prestige of this nation.
And, above all, we offer to each individual
citizen a system of government recognizing his inherent dignity and importance
as an individual and affording him an opportunity to take a direct hand in the
shaping of his own destiny and the destiny of this nation. Under such a system,
we are convinced; Egypt will reach new heights of greatness.
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